30 year



Tulane graduates hired

Bernhard’s 360 Promise to Tulane

As part of Project RISE, Bernhard made a bold commitment to hire 360 Tulane University graduates over the next three decades. Dubbed the “360 Promise,” the program is a partnership between Bernhard and the Tulane Energy Institute (TEI), a world-renowned component of Tulane’s A.B. Freeman School of Business in New Orleans. The commitment, although primarily focused on Tulane Energy Institute students and curriculum, also extends to all departments across the university, including Tulane’s Law School and School of Science and Engineering.

As a branch of the Freeman School of Business, the Tulane Energy Institute provides educational opportunities that improve understanding of the integration of energy markets, policies, technology and the environment, and fosters interest and expertise in the energy industry, propelling graduates into top positions in one of the world’s most dynamic fields. As part of the commitment, Bernhard experts will assist Tulane in developing course content and curricula relevant to burgeoning trends in the energy services industry.

Project RISE is a 30-year Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) partnership between Tulane and Bernhard designed to help Tulane substantially reduce on-campus greenhouse gas emissions, with a goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Bernhard is completing a host of major energy infrastructure improvements at Tulane facilities including the construction of a 1-megawatt solar energy plant that will supply 10 percent of electrical demand at Tulane’s uptown campus.

Bernhard’s 360 Promise to Tulane

Employee Spotlight: Dave Lamberson

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