Science and Engineering Complex

The University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, Alabama



Square Feet

$180 Million

Construction Cost


Completion Date

The University of Alabama’s Science & Engineering Complex was a multi-phase development of nearly 1 million square feet of the campus into world-class engineering and science facilities. Bernhard was the engineer of record for Phase II, III, and IV buildings and for the expansion of Shelby Hall Central Energy Plant to serve the new facilities.

The Science & Engineering complex contains research and instructional laboratories for multiple disciplines. In Phase II, labs were designed with flexibility in mind so that systems could be easily converted to accommodate changes in space usage. For the South Engineering Research Center (Phase III), energy recovery systems and low flow fume hoods were incorporated into the design to maximize energy efficiency. The North Engineering Research Center (Phase IV) contains the University’s Central Analytic Facility which required close coordination to ensure proper conditions for electron microscopes and other atomic-scale analytical equipment.